How to Take Care of Your Long-Haired Pet

Dogs can be the messiest pet anyone can own. From eating heartily to playing in the yard for long hours, it’s sometimes such a pain to groom them, especially if the dog in question has a long hair. While it is advisable to take them to PetSmart for grooming once or twice a month, sometimes little accidents can’t be helped.

Take the Yorkshire Terrier for example. For a toy dog, this type of breed can be the hardest dog to groom as their hair can get caught everywhere and stick to each other when they are playing. Their coat can catch debris and are prone to tangling if not combed every other day.

To help pet owners avoid these problems for their long-haired pooches, here are 7 grooming tips to remember.

1) Do not tangle their hair during bath time.

Before taking your long-haired pet for a shower, make sure to brush their hair thoroughly. Carefully rub in a small amount of shampoo and stroke following only one direction. Never do it using circular motions as it can cause tangles.

Follow the exact direction when using a conditioner. Wash thoroughly with warm water. It is best to buy the highest quality of hair care products for your long mane friend to avoid getting debris or clumped hair.

2) Brush fur and hair on a daily basis.

It is the golden rule of owning long-haired canines – brushing and combing. This will prevent problematic hair issues like sticking, tangling, and clumping. Make sure to use the right hair brush that can detangle but stays gentle on your pet’s skin.

3) Identify the right brushes for future reference.

Most grooming centers will inform you of the correct tools to use to maintain the shiny, tangle-free coat of your best friend.

  • Pin brush – removes tangles and best used on dogs with long fur or feathering
  • Bristle brush – removes loose hair, dirt, and polishes the coat evenly
  • Slicker brush – removes mats, debris, and mats; best choice for long haired canines who needs regular combing but never use on dogs with fine, silky coats
  • Hybrid brush – some brush can serve dual purpose like a double-sided brush that has pin on the left side and a bristle on the other.

4) Keep leg, under the tail, and tummy fur short and trimmed.

In order to prevent getting all the dirt during playtime, make sure that you have trimmed or cut short these areas of your pooch. Not only will it maintain the good looks of your pet, it will always keep dirt at bay, allowing your pet to stay clean for a longer time.

5) Comb facial furnishings like beard, eyebrows and mustache.

These extra hair are often seen on Old English Sheepdogs, Tibetan Terriers, and Bearded Collies. Although they may not have a long coat as a Shih tzu or a Collie, these areas can collect dirt, food, and often get wet when drinking thus extra care is necessary.

6) Accustom your pet to daily grooming.

As soon as you get him cleared from a veterinary, practice combing his hair on a regular basis. Besides making your pet accustomed to the idea of brushing, it will also help your pet maintain his coat at a younger age, when the length is still not as long.

Many studies have identified that dogs like getting the attention from their owners. This is especially important to be established on long-haired dogs as they will like grooming better. Keeping their hair groomed and free from tangles will not only be beneficial to you but to your pet as well.

Getting into a pattern or a routine is also very important to help your pet accustomed to the idea of grooming. But, never forget that you should also feel comfortable and at ease when brushing their coat. Not only will it be therapeutical to the owner but it can also prevent hard and harsh combing.

7) Keep your pooch’s paw clean all the time.

Dogs love to go outside and once they are outdoors, they will usually end up in a puddle of mud, matting their gorgeously long mane. Keeping their paws clean can prevent them transferring the dirt to their hair.

There is definitely no magic tip or gadget to help control your pet’s hair but as a golden rule, never forget to brush or comb as it is the easiest way to manage any hair problems. Regular visits to grooming centers also help and while it’s mainly beneficial to your pet, you will see that it can be beneficial to owner as well.

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