How to Have Fun with Your Pet Canary

The canary is the easiest and most popular choice of bird pet because it needs little attention and requires minimal maintenance and care.

The song canary is the type which is mostly kept as pets. Only male canaries can sing. There are pet owners who keep colorbred canaries because their colors are astonishing. Colorbred canaries come in colors such as red, brown, white or cinnamon.

If you are going to keep a song canary, look for a green colored one. This type of canary has the strongest ability to sing. They sing with their mouths open and are really amusing to keep at home.

Keeping a bird as a pet bring joy to pet owners because they are amazing to look at and are easy to keep. Birds in general do not need much attention although they will need a lot of flying room. Do not be complacent with keeping pet birds. It is still the pet owner’s responsibility to keep them safe and healthy.

Start with a Big Cage

Canaries, or any type of bird, should have the biggest space available. Make sure that you get the “flight” type, which is at least 24 inches long. This will enable the bird to move freely inside the cage.

Most birds, especially parrots, have their wings clipped. This procedure is done because they limit their ability to fly indoors and avoid the risk of getting injured in ceiling fans and other high positioned home fixtures.

Canaries should not have their wings clipped. They have very short wings and will be happy in its cage. Do not clip their wings for exercise.

Gaps between bars should not exceed more than a half inch. It is best to get a cage made of wire and not wood or bamboo because wired cages are easier to clean.

Keep his perch comfy

Place wooden perches that have varied diameters. They should be 3/8 to ¾ inches and smooth perches should be scraped and kept irregular for easier grip and more comfortable for the canary’s feet. Remember that sandpaper perch covers are not good for canaries.

You can also put a swing inside the cage. This will keep him away from boredom and becomes an additional perch too.

Sleep is a must!

Canaries prefer room temperatures. It’s best to keep them away from direct sunlight or in front of air conditioning units.

If they are in areas with prolonged exposure to day light, cover the cage with a light dark cloth at the appropriate times. Canaries need their sleep too. If their cages are put in a place where artificial light is on during the night, make sure to cover the cage so they can have a good night’s sleep.

Canaries which are exposed to light at night are sedentary during the day. This will lead to disease or death.

Keep them cool and neat

Canaries should be kept clean and cool inside the cage. Put a bird bath inside the cage twice or thrice a week. They should also have their water dish or bottle.

It is important that their cages are kept clean at all times. Get rid of droppings and excess food by washing the cage twice a week. A cage which is unclean is a breeding ground for bacteria and foul smell.

Canaries are sensitive to drastic temperature changes. Do not place the cage near a heater or air conditioner. You can also put the cage outside on a nice cool day but don’t forget to put him back in before it gets too cold or too hot.

Healthy feeding for your Bird

Establishments like PetSmart sell bird food and it’s best to keep a good seed mixture. Canaries like food in pellets too. Put the pellets separate from the seeds. If you opt to go natural, these birds are big fans of apples, oranges, bananas, green peppers, canned corn, fresh corn on the cob, cooked broccoli, raw spinach, raw dandelions, raw collard greens, raw Swiss chard, pears, peaches, strawberries, cucumbers and squash. They also like hard boiled egg and greens.

When your lovely singing pet is eating seeds, hulls will be left. Make sure to take the hulls out of the dish after he eats.

Enjoying your Canary

Canaries, especially the singing ones, bring delight to the household and makes the atmosphere sweeter and cozier. Their amazing colors are great to watch. Most of all, they make convenient house companions and require very little attention. Even if you live in a small apartment, you can keep one as their cages do not occupy a large space.

To enjoy your canary to the fullest, keep good care of him. Life is easy with pet canaries but to keep the experience enjoyable, take note of your responsibilities and keep him healthy and happy.

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