5 Tips for First Time Labrador Retriever Owners

For people who are going to own big dogs for the first time, they would want a pet that’s friendly and beautiful. A lot of people are scared of big animals, so they want their pets to be as gentle as possible. So when it comes to choosing what to have, Labradors often come to mind first. Labs are one of the most popular breeds in many countries, like the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Denmark.

Because of their intelligence and good nature, they can assist people who are blind or who have autism, they can act as therapy dogs for people suffering from trauma or depression, and they can serve official and law enforcement agencies by performing detection and screening work. They are also excellent sporting and hunting animals.

If you want to get a Lab however, you have to be prepared for the responsibilities of owning a big canine breed. They will have different needs and kinds of attention from smaller ones like Chihuahua, Lhasa Apso, or Shih Tzu.

What are the things you need to take into consideration?

1. Shelter. Labrador puppies are cute. They are these tiny little things that you want to cuddle in bed. After a few months however, you will notice how big they can get, and then you realize they’re not fit to live in your small house. When getting a Retriever, you need to know how big they can get so you can plan properly if they will need a doggy house outside your home, or if you will have enough space in your house where it can sleep. They also need a comfortable bed. Buy something durable and will not rip easily when they paw at it. Lastly, your canine needs to have a good litter box that will hide the poop and the smell.

2. Food. Be ready to buy big quantities of food. Retrievers have big appetites. Do not be surprised if they bring their bowl to you and beg for food. You’ll also find them trying to eat other things such as rugs and Christmas balls. Of course, the food you will provide should be rationed appropriately. Don’t overfeed your dog because you won’t want it to become obese. Also ensure that it gets the right amount of calories because your pet will need a lot of energy, especially if you exercise it a lot.

3. Walk and jog. To stay healthy, your Lab needs to get plenty of exercise. You can take it into long walks for up to three times a day, if your schedule permits. Or if it’s included in your budget, you can hire a walker. It will also help if you have a big backyard where it can play and run around.

Taking your pooch outside will make it feel loved. As a loving animal by nature, your pet will enjoy snuggling, playing, and simply spending time with you. And as it can easily sense emotions, your Lab will be distressed if you constantly ignore it.

Furthermore, your four-legged friends need to socialize. If they don’t spend enough time with other dogs or other people, they may end up not as friendly as you first imagined. By bringing them to a park for public training, you are introducing them to other companions, as well as other sights and smells.

4. Veterinary care. Like children, Labs need to get regular checkups and vaccination. Going to the vet should be routine. To monitor the health of your Retriever, it should visit the vet clinic at least two times a year. This practice will also make it trust the veterinary staff more.

Older pets also experience many health issues, such as eye problems, epilepsy, seizures, and dysplasia. If your pet is experiencing any noticeable discomfort or if it got hurt, a trip to the veterinarian is necessary. Ask about the proper administration of medication and physical treatment, if needed.

5. Grooming and hygiene. As an owner, you want your pet to always look and smell good. You will definitely feel terrible if other people think that your hairy friend looks unkempt and smelly. What to do to make them beautiful and clean?

  • Groom them often, but don’t bathe them too much. Excessive bathing will remove their natural oils that keep ticks and fleas off.
  • Trim their nails using the proper nail trimmers.
  • Clean their ears using specific products for cleansing. This should remove the smelly discharge from their ears’ sweat glands.
  • Brush their teeth daily, or at least every other day.
  • Lastly, take your Labrador for a Petco Grooming to keep their coats shiny and healthy. At Petco, you can also buy products to use when grooming the Lab yourself.

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